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Articles Archive for July 2008

[31 Jul 2008 | One Comment | ]

Having a problem printing documents from WordPerfect? When you go to print a document, does the program just freeze/hang and just stop responding?

Solution 1: Clear Cache
(Note: This did not work for me, but supposedly it should for some people)
1) Goto the “File” menu along the top bar, then select “Print”
2) Click the “Status” button along the right side (screen seen above)
3) Clear all of the documents in the list by selecting each one and pressing the ‘Delete’ key (or holding it down)
4) Try to print again
Solution 2: Add PrintServer To …

[13 Jul 2008 | 6 Comments | ]

Today, when I started up my computer, I was greeted with the following message:

Which stated that: “OOo-dev cannot be started due to an error in accessing the OOo-dev configuration data.”
Also, it provided some useful information, such as: “The following internal error has occurred: /org.openoffice.Office.Recovery”. This will be very handy later on.
Similar Errors:
“OpenOffice cannot be started due to an error in accessing the OpenOffice configuration data”
“OpenOffice cannot be started due to an error in accessing the OpenOffice.org configuration data”
“StarOffice cannot be started due to an error in accessing the StarOffice …